Published on November 20th, 2013 | by Eamon Dillon
0More could be done for rape and sexual assault victims
The shocking story of Michelle Hennessey’s suicide emerged yesterday as a man who attacked and sexually assaulted her was jailed. Michelle was subjected to bullying and intimidation after the attack which she struggled to deal with. She died by suicide in October 2012. Read the court case here.
Recently I spoke to another young woman who had been the target of predatory paedophile who raped her from the age of eight until she was 12. Patrick Kavanagh (pictured) was jailed for the attacks, but this year was released after completing his jail sentence. The young woman has also battled depression and not knowing when Kavanagh would be released or where he is living has added to her anxiety Even weeks after the interview was first published in the Sunday World, the young woman still had not been told if she should be worried about running into her tormentor while out shopping. Read the interview here.
Both cases, in different ways, highlight the lasting damage caused by sexual crimes and that traditional approaches to crime and punishment do nothing for the victims. They need to know there are protections in place and that the offender is being monitored in some form by the State.