Three card-skimmers ended up before the courts in Dublin in the last week. Nita Florin (35) is awaiting sentence after being caught with fake bank statements, driver's licence, passport and tax forms. He was also done for stealing €4,000 from top chef Roly Saul after a restaurant worker swiped two blank cheques which found their way to Florin. His flat was raided in December 2005, but he then legged it to a new address before the cops caught up with him again a year later. They found cloned cards, fake insurance certs and on his computer hard drive they found hidden-camera footage of ATM withdrawals along with people's bank account details.
As if to highlight how the card-skimmers are still trying hard, two more appeared in court today. Adrian Melencu (28) was copying cards on his laptop when officers raided his Dublin home. Compatriot Eduard Cosgarea (38) was upstairs but had a fake Italian passport. They also admitted to possessing fake credit cards. They have been in custody since February 2009 so their 16 months sentences effectively frees them from jail.
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on card-skimmers here to see how the trend has dropped in Ireland