Friday, 29 October 2020
BANK busters
It's nice to know that work is going on to bring prosecutions against people at Anglo Irish Bank. Read Fachtna Murphy's comments here. It's a real pity that it has taken a long build-up of public frustration before any information on the investigation was made public. Anglo Irish has been in trouble since March 2008.
Tuesday, 26 October 2020

Thursday, 21 October 2020
CARD skimmers
The card skimmers are still trying hard to steal people's PIN numbers and card details. Despite better security and a huge drop off in attacks in Ireland this year, it seems there has been a recent surge in attempted skimming attacks at Irish ATMs. According to the Irish Payments Services Organisation there were 60 attacks from July to September this year of which just 16 were successful. Also have a look here at a video showing skimmers putting their spy gear on a machine. Across the EU the number of attacks has gone up 24 per cent but losses have fallen from €156 million to €144 million.
Tuesday, 19 October 2020
ROGUE lawyers
It looks like the lawyers are blaming another lawyer, the Director of Public Prosecutions, over the failure to investigate rogue lawyers struck-off for fraud. The chairman of the Solicitors' Disciplinary Tribunal has expressed his 'dismay' at the DPP's attitude. Read about it here. Ireland's dodgy solicitors are being slowly exposed since the credit crunch in September 2008. Read previous post on the topic.
Friday, 15 October 2020
ANGLO Irish fraud

Thursday, 14 October 2020

VIAGRA vageries

Wednesday, 13 October 2020

FAKE workers
People from the motor trade have been warning drivers to be careful to whom they hand over keys. Thieves have posed as garage workers at busy firms and emerge from the building when a customer pulls in, take the keys and drives away with the car. Read about it here. The same scam has been used at car-rental depots at airports all over Europe. When a customer turns up anxious to catch a flight they'll happily handover keys to the guy in the company t-shirt. It comes as a bit of shock when the car company phones up looking for their vehicle. And if you didn't take out fully comprehesive insurance then you got to pay for the car as well.
Friday, 8 October 2020

Meanwhile the Public Accounts Committee yesterday unearthed that Matt Merrigan and Jack Ryan of Siptu were in control of the bank accounts used for jollies. The full internal report is available at While the PAC do good work, there's a sense of closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.
Wednesday, 6 October 2020
TV3's Midweek
Midweek on TV3 with Colette Fitzpatrick are running an item on frauds and scams to tonight. As far as I know a pre-recorded piece I did on the subject has survived the final edit. Anyway, it's on at 10pm.
Midweek TV3
HUSHED slush

Matthew Elderfield,
slush fund
Tuesday, 5 October 2020
DODGY banker
Societe Generale banker Jerome Kerviel was jailed this week for three years. In 2008, around the same time Anglo Irish began to unravel, the French banking giant discovered the rogue trader had been hiding massive losses. Kerviel's gambles eventually cost the bank €5 billion. The Irish authorities work at snail's pace compared to everyone else. Read about Kerviel here.
Monday, 4 October 2020
CORRUPT officials

Sunday, 3 October 2020

In the United States corporate bosses convicted of similar charges are serving long jail sentences. These include Enron president Jeffrey Skilling who got 24 years after his firm's collapse with debts of €31 billion. WorldCom broke all records when they inflated their firm's worth by €11 billion, causing a meltdown that cost €180 billion and put 20,000 people out of work. Bernie Ebbers got 25 years for that. Then there was Tyco boss, Dennis Kozlowskis who got 24 years for using company cash to fund a lavish lifestyle that included a $1 million party featuring and ice sculpture of the Statue of David urinating designer vodka. Anglo only spent €200,000 on golf balls.
Sean Fitzpatrick,
Sunday World,
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