Eamon Dillon

To contact Eamon Dillon: Independent House,

27-32 Talbot Street, Dublin 1, Ireland

E-mail:� [email protected]

Phone ++353(0)1 884-9000 Fax ++353 (0)1 884-9001


TV and radio

Eamon Dillon has been invited to contribute to current affairs TV and radio programmes on Ireland�s national broadcast media. Last December the arrest of a suspected international trafficking operation prompted a documentary news show on the topic. As a panel member Eamon Dillon speaks about his experiences while investigating the Ireland�s illegal sex trade. See the discussion here: Primetime



When The Outsiders was launched in November 2006, the author appeared on RTE television�s The Late Late Show to talk about the travelling community in what is regarded as highly controversial topic in Ireland. The show attracted an audience of 650,000�a huge rating by Irish domestic standards. See the discussion here. The Late Late Show on travellers


On publication of The Fraudsters the author was invited to appear on Ireland�s highest rated radio chat-show, the Gerry Ryan Show on 2FM. The wide ranging discussion on individuals con-artist and the variety on scams prompted many listeners to contact the show with stories of their own. Listen to the interview here: Gerry Ryan

Reporting uncomfortable truths....

Eamon Dillon is an investigative journalist with Ireland�s most popular newspaper the Sunday World. With over 20 years experience he has carried out numerous news investigations.

He was the first Irish journalist to publish hard evidence of sex-trafficking operations in Ireland and has published several exposes on Ireland�s illegal vice trade and the criminals behind it. In November 2006 his book The Outsiders�Exposing the Secretive World of Irish Travellers became a national bestseller. This was followed in 2008 by The Fraudsters�How Con-Artists Steal Your Money.

He was a guest speaker at the Toronto Police Corporate Fraud Squad�s annual conference in February �09 and� made a presentation on fraud to Google�s Dublin staff in March �09. He was also the 2009 winner of the Ruhama in Journalism Award.

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